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Fun Ways to Get Your Clients to Interact

August 28, 2014

Many of our readers have been asking how to get their clients to interact with them in new fun ways so we came up with a few tips for all of you.

  1. Use fill in the blanks. When you ask questions with fill in the blanks, it gives your clients an opportunity to tell you what they want while having the advantage of being fun (somewhat like MadLibs when you were a kid). You can ask something like “If I could change one thing about your company/ service it would be ________________. "

  2. Use Facebook polls. Facebook allows you to make your own polls. Providing these enables your clients to give valuable feedback with the condition of anonymity.

  3. Ask your clients to post funny photos of themselves using your service/product. They can compete and get creative with the photos. The added bonus here is having numerous other people, who might not normally see it, seeing your product or service.

  4. Have a sweepstakes that customers can enter if they answer a questionnaire about service, quality, etc. People will love the opportunity to win something and it’s a great chance for them to give you their input.

We hope these tips help you and make sure you let us know what else you want to hear about!


July 29, 2014

For a lot of our clients, social marketing can be an entirely new experience. And with every new experience comes a few mistakes. We've had several clients ask us about the most common social marketing mistakes so we've come up with a handy list of the top ones.

1. Make sure you are patient. Marketing isn't a science, unfortunately, and sometimes it takes time for your marketing to take effect. Make sure that you don’t rush the process.

2. Make sure you listen to what your followers want and need to know about. Make sure that you are addressing their concerns. Sometimes it is hard to not just think about business, but you need to make sure that you are making and keeping connections and relationships with clients.

3. Make sure you change up your posts and post about things that will allow you to connect with clients. On the flipside, however, don’t make the mistake of posting things of a personal nature.

4. The last mistake we think that you can make is not using images. Images grab people's attention and will help them to remember you and your company.

Great Ways to Connect With Your Audience During the Summer Months!

July 16, 2014

Worried about connecting with your audience during the summer? Everyone is out and about traveling or enjoying the weather and hopefully not cooped up inside on the Internet! But how does that bode for your business? Are there ways you can engage your audience when they're online less? We have some great tips for summertime engagement! These tips should be used year round, but they are especially great for summer because people need a bit more stimulation, as they are typically out else where doing lots of fun activities or on vacation. People need to be reminded of the wonderful services you provide and reminded that just because they're on vacation, it doesn't mean that you are!

1. Ask questions! Don’t just ask yes or no questions – ask questions with depth. Give your audience an opportunity to open up to you. Ask about people's summer activities and what they would like from you.

2. Link all your social media accounts. Your audience doesn't want to have to work to find you on Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, FourSquare, YouTube and anything else you might be on. So make sure all of your links to your social media accounts are in one place. Place them in a highly visible, well trafficked page on your website and make sure they're all placed on your most frequently trafficked social media site (probably Facebook).

3. Summer is a great time to see what your audience is saying about you. Check all channels of social media (including places like Yelp! and Google) to see what kind of feedback your customers are giving you. If you notice the same complaints over and over again, then it's probably time to do something that will solve the issue. And once the issue is resolved, make sure your clients are aware by posting about it on your social media sites and website. Also take in the positive reviews people are leaving about your company and see if you can step up your game to take the positive a level further. Impress your customers by improving upon your already stellar business doings and word of mouth is sure to spread!

4. Lastly, make sure you acknowledge your customers. Ask to take a photo of them in your establishment or a photo of the work you have done for them and then, when you post the photo to your Facebook page, tag them in it. People want to know that their business is appreciated, so make sure they know!

Keep reading our blog for more great social media and business tips and if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below or email us today!

Three Tips That Can Greatly Improve Your Company’s Social Media Presence

May 22, 2014

  1. Timing is everything!

It’s important to know the best time to reach your target audience. Knowing when your followers will read and respond to your post gives you the best opportunity for interaction, Late in the day or early morning are usually the best times to post because many people check their social media in the morning before work, during their commute or at night.

  1. Questions, Questions, Questions!

Asking questions prompts your audience to connect with you. Even if you are posting a story or feature product, ask your followers to share their opinions. As people leave their opinions, other people read them which can often times start a conversation about your company. And in this day and age, most people go online to look for reviews of places and products. By asking questions, this also allows for others looking at your posts to see others' opinions which will hopefully intrigue them and help them build trust in you and your service BEFORE they've even used your services.

  1. Repetition is Key!

When you repeat an idea or concept, it solidifies your message in your audience’s mind and reinforces your brand. But remember to be brief. People don’t spend more than a few seconds reading a post.

Common Social Media Myths

April 26, 2014

We have found that there are quite a few misconceptions people have about social media, so we want to let you in on the truth and set the record straight on these five common myths:

  1. Social media is just for young people. Because young people use social media doesn’t mean it only impacts them. The truth is that you can reach multiple generations with social media. The average Twitter user is a white-collar worker in his/her 30s, and Facebook is growing specifically with users who are age 40 and older.

  2. Social media is easy to do. The basics of social media aren’t difficult, but to reach your target audience and see a positive outcome takes time, effort and strategic planning.

  3. Social media is the same as social networking. Social media can be your website, blog, and forums. Social networking goes beyond social media sites. Whatever way you connect with your audience online is networking.

  4. All social media is free. There may be no direct cost, but there could be some financial investment to create meaningful content and market your service or product effectively.

  5. Social media is just a way to let people see your message. Social media isn’t just about a message; it’s about starting conversations and creating relationships with customers and clients. When you create a trusting relationship with your customers, your social media efforts will have a larger impact.

Awesome Marketing Ideas for Your Business!

February 18, 2014

This month we came up with some marketing ideas for your business.

  1. Offer something free

Everyone loves to get something free. Free samples of a product or service give potential customers a risk-free opportunity to try you out, this can help you get new clients and as well as remind current customers why they love you so much.

  1. Have A Loyalty Rewards System

A rewards system encourages customers to return to buy your products or use your services. Repeat customers are also more likely to spread the word to friends and family about your business.

  1. Encourage Customer Reviews

Positive customer reviews drive business. In addition, when customers offer suggestions or let you know about an experience that could have been better, it gives you the opportunity to make improvements.

  1. Use Email Marketing

A simple email can get your customers thinking about your company. Emails are also a great way stay in touch with customers and clients by letting them know about special deals and promotions. Maintaining an email database makes distribution more efficient.

  1. Join Multiple Media Social Networks

Joining multiple social media networks gives you the greatest opportunity to reach your audience, but don’t make the mistake of substituting social media sites like Facebook and LinkedIn for an actual website. A company website is the place your customers will go when they are looking for information and it builds a sense of trust with your customers.

Welcoming Change: Top Marketing Solutions for 2014

February 8, 2014

As social media platforms evolved into cutting edge marketing tools in 2013, it has become crucial to take various technological tools, devices, and digital solutions into consideration. Is your goal to effectively reach more customers, fans, and potential investors in 2014? Read below for our wrap-up with everything you need to know.

  1. Video marketing is in. Did you know that more than 50% of all web traffic has become video based? Audiences feel that they are making a smarter purchasing or investing decision after viewing a video – and this is not to be ignored. Video advertising should be catchy, short and simple.

  2. Mobile marketing is a cornerstone. Mobile marketing is no longer a marginal feature; it’s a necessity. Consumers spend the majority of their time online on their mobile device. Digital platforms and marketing solutions you choose to invest in this year should be mobile friendly, responsive, and adaptive. While most digital platforms and themes are now designed to scale appropriately with mobile devices it is important to confirm this ability.

  3. Revise & incorporate Search Engine Optimization. This year SEO has become more easily understandable. Google has made SEO all about quality and relevant content, audience appeal, social media activity, customer voice, and a small smattering of keywords directly related to your business. It is time to review the new best practices of SEO and bring your content in line with them.

  4. Strategize social media use. It is safe to assume that people understand the need for an active social media presence. It is imperative to realize that successful social media marketing cannot be self-centered. Integrate your social media presence with other marketing tools and engage your customers and fans.

  5. Create an online presence that engages and inspires. Throughout 2014 marketing and public relations will shift from a focus of winning customers to goals of gaining investors and supporters to push their company’s online presence to a new and exciting level. This shift entails an interconnected online presence that inspires fans while engaging potential customers and investors to buy.

Stay onboard in 2014. Develop a professional, clean website and a strong logo. Build a social media presence as a new cornerstone to your marketing and public relations plan. The social media ship for 2014 has set its sails but it’s not too late to jump onboard. Don’t capsize your business endeavors – contact Social Marketing Solutions with all of your social marketing needs.

2013 Was a Year Full Of Social Media Marketing Successes – Now What Does 2014 Have To Offer?

January 8, 2014

2013 Brought Many Social Media Marketing Success Stories and Statistics. What Does 2014 Have In Store For The Social Networking Universe?  


As you know, social media marketing is forever changing with new trends, interests, and opportunities emerging every day. With the new year comes new ways to market your business to past, current, and potential clients.

Before I talk about what you can do in 2014, let’s take a look back at 2013.  Here are some interesting statistics Alicia Lawrence, online PR specialist for WebpageFX, reveals in her blog  The 12 Social Media Marketing Stats of 2013”:

• 74 percent of marketers saw an increase in traffic after dedicating only six hours per week on social media sites

• 50 percent of Internet users are active on Facebook

• 52 percent of marketers gained a customer through Facebook and 35 percent have done so through Twitter

• 54 percent of Facebook users access the site on a mobile app

• Social media popularity is growing with older age groups

• 68 percent of Americans say social media plays a role in their purchasing decisions.
Surprised by these numbers? I’m not. This reported growth is indicative of the effectiveness of social media marketing.  A new year brings new opportunities for growth, improvement, and changes. Have you created your online marketing plan for 2014?

If not, you can start right now. Begin with an analysis of what you tried, what worked, what failed, and what you have yet to accomplish. Identify your areas of strength, know who and where your audience is, and set goals for areas for improvement. Try something new. If your social media marketing efforts are working on the platforms you currently use, don’t be afraid to try another site. Research sites for your target audience industries and know where your audience is looking to communicate. Build your online identity and devote time to communicating with your audience. Finally, create a month-by-month plan outlining the steps to improve your efforts to reach your goals over the next 12 months.

At Social Marketing Solutions, LLC we understand that social media marketing can be overwhelming. If you would like to enhance your social media presence in 2014, give us a call. One of our social media representatives would be happy to discuss your needs and answer your questions.

We look forward to assisting you!


For a free no-obligation consulation please contact:
Kelly Jones
Owner and Social Media Expert

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Social Marketing Solutions LLC

p. 973-265-2833
f. 973-335-9225
40 Baldwin Road
Parsippany, NJ 07054 kelly@socialmarketingsolutionsllc.com

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