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Do You Pinterest?

January 22, 2015


It's a whole new world out there in social media, and believe it or not Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn aren't the only main players anymore. From Snapchat to Google+, there are a host of social media platforms that your company should be taking advantage of this year. This week, we're going to highlight the image pinning social network, Pinterest.

What exactly is Pinterest? If you're not already familiar with it, Pinterest is a social network where users "pin" images they find all over the web to boards they've created that are categorized (i.e. "Food", "Wedding Venues", "Places I Want to Travel"). How does it work? Users visually share their "pins", which they either upload from their computer or find on the web. Using a visual orientation, Pinterest's goal is to "connect everyone in the world through the 'things' they find interesting." The social network is highly focused on lifestyles, wanting you to share your tastes and interests with others and discovering the tastes and interests of likeminded people. And as with other social networks, users can follow friends, like and comment on other users' pins, re-pin content to their own boards and share others' pins on Facebook and Twitter or via email.

So how can Pinterest be used for marketing? Consider this – in 2013 alone, Pinterest surpassed email and Facebook as an online content sharing medium. And it's only grown from there. Adding the Pinterest's "Pin It" button to your website enables people to add your stuff to Pinterest – and every pin leads back to the site it came from. Since Pinterest is highly visual, it also gives your business the opportunity to engage customers with compelling images – for example, you can promote deals and new products or create boards that show how to use your products. Or how about creating an employee board where you pin pictures of your employees so people can put faces to your name? Pinterest is an easy and great way to make your business more personable and easily accessible!

Social media reaches far and wide and comes in all different shapes and sizes. Make sure your online marketing plan isn't stagnant with just the use of the "Top 3" – branch out to target different demographics, and if you need help maintaining your online presence, we're just a call away! We're skilled in using a variety of social media sites and can help make your company's presence pop. Till next time!

Welcome to Snapchat

January 10, 2015


It's a whole new world out there in social media, and believe it or not Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn aren't the only main players anymore. From Pinterest to Google+, there are a host of social media platforms that your company should be taking advantage of this year. This week, we're going to highlight the mobile app, Snapchat.

What exactly is Snapchat? If you're not already familiar with it, Snapchat is a photo messaging app. How does it work? With the application, users can take photos, record videos, add text and drawings, and send them to a controlled list of recipients. These sent photographs and videos are known as "Snaps". Users set a time limit for how long recipients can view their Snaps, up to 10 seconds, and after they will be hidden from the recipient's device and deleted from Snapchat's servers forever. Doesn't exactly sound mobile marketing friendly though, does it?

Surprisingly, however, it is marketing friendly. As long as you can be creative you can send Snaps directly to the group of people you want. Plus, Snapchat now has new features such as, chat and advertisements, and considering it's estimated 10 billion dollar value, it's not going anywhere anytime soon. In fact, it has quickly become one of the most popular social media apps among young adults, even beating out Facebook!

Social media reaches far and wide and comes in all different shapes and sizes. Make sure your online marketing plan isn't stagnant with just the use of the "Top 3" – branch out to target different demographics, and if you need help maintaining your online presence, we're just a call away! We're skilled in using a variety of social media sites and can help make your company's presence pop. Till next time!

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